Upcoming Events
Time to Renew Your PDC Membership
Remember to renew your PDC membership! Renew now to join us for lunch at the annual membership meeting.
Please RSVP for the Annual Meeting
Please join the Peninsula Democratic Coalition for our Annual Membership meeting. In addition to electing boardmembers and officers for the coming year, we will hear from Rep. Kevin Mullin for our keynote, and we'll be honoring Joe Simitian for his decades of service to the Peninsula. All who plan to attend should RSVP.
This meeting will take place on Saturday, March 8th at the Garden House at Shoup Park in Los Altos from noon to 2pm.
What are ADEMs?
Every odd year in February, the CA Democratic Party holds elections for fourteen delegates to be elected to represent each California State Assembly District – 7 SIF (self-identified as female) and 7 OSIF (other than self-identified female).
Every registered Democrat can vote for these registered delegates in their Assembly District. Delegates are responsible for voting on candidate endorsements for elections as well as voting on platform statements as well as resolutions proposed by members or the party.
How to Register to Vote in ADEMs
Voting for ADEM delegates can be done either in person or virtually. To vote virtually, you must register here by NOON on Friday, Jan. 31st.